Windows 8 Getting the Re-Once Over By Many Sites as We Near a New CPP Release

win8logoredesignedIt looks like we might have done our Windows 8 coverage the wrong way around as we are now seeing a host of articles that are showing off the new look of the desktop, the Metro UI News, Sports and Weather apps and more. This is very odd as we have been talking about much this since the Build Conference. Still it is very possible that some of these sites are now listing these items in a new PR push for Microsoft. After all the most recent one we saw on the new Desktop Look had a direct quote from them on Aero and the “vista” look.

We also know that a new version of the CPP (Consumer Preview Program) release for Windows 8 will be hitting the internet soon. This time we might see a few more people grab up the software to give it a test run before the actual launch date later this year. From what we are hearing there will be some changes, but nothing too drastic. We would recommend grabbing the new one when it hits Microsoft’s site in early June and try it out for yourself. We have plans to go back over some of the same talking points we have already hit with Windows 8 (gaming, UI on a tablet etc) as well as add in a few more to keep things interesting. For those of you that have not seen our video coverage we have all of them below.

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