Windows 8 has surpassed the disaster that was Vista


Microsoft can now finally boast that Windows 8 can no longer be called "disaster like Vista" because in the latest table of operating systems in the world by analyst firm StatCounter, Windows 8 OS, has surpassed Vist which many call the biggest disaster in the history of the giant from Redmond.

According to this table, Windows 8 with 5.75% representation is slowly approaching Apple MacOSX which has 7.51%, but is still well behind the Windows 7 and Windows XP at the third place in a global scale, but they left behind Vista, which now holds 5.44% stake.
Windows 7 are still an absolute monarch in the world of operating systems with a 53.39% participation, while Windows XP also run perfectly with the "possession" of 21.3 percent of the market, despite the announcement of the imminent withdrawal of support by Microsoft. Microsoft still does not doubt the success of Windows 8, and says that in the first six months of the release of the OS on the market sold about 100 million licenses, which is even better than the sales of Windows 7 during that same period.

Imminent release of a major upgrade Windows 8.1 (Blue) could help a bit more to improve and speed up the sale of the new OS, a for quite a while we are hearing rumors that Microsoft is working on Windows 9, which could be supposedly presented first time in November of 2014.

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