Windows Phone surpassed BlackBerry


According to market research firm IDC, during the first three months of this year on a global scale 216.2 million "smart" mobile phones were delivered, which is 41.6% more than in the same period a year earlier.

Among operating systems Android is still convincingly in the lead, whose sales rose 79.5% from a year earlier, and now holds 75% of the total world market, while at the same time last year they had a share of 59.1%. In second place is Apple's iOS and iPhone, whose sales compared to the previous year has increased for relatively modest 6.6%, that is significantly less than the overall market, so their market share fell from 23 to 17.3%.

Although it is still far behind the leading trio, the highest growth in the first quarter was  recorded by Windows Phone, whose sales compared to the previous year increased by 133.3%, to 7,000,000 units, while the market share increased from 2 to 3,2%. The fourth is BlackBerry whose sales fell 35.1%, to 6.3 million units, or 2.9% of market share.

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