Witcher 3 officially confirmed


Game Informer magazine, as usual, got the chance to discover another big hit about to be released to the world. This time it is the highly anticipated RPG, The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, which will be launched next year. The game is made in a completely open style which was expected after the recent creations of the new REDenginea 3. This new engine is described as an ideal entry point to the Witcher world for players that have not meet with the franchise yet.

Some of the things you may find interesting about new game, the game world should be roughly 20% bigger than Skyrim according to development team. If you want to cross the world on horseback it will take you 30-40 minutes. Geralt’s Memory is restored and there will be no chapters or acts. The story will be made in 3 parts, the lowest level of importance will be free form activities like questing, crafting etc., next level will bring the political situation of Nilfgaardian invastion , and the final level will be Geralt’s main plot line, his search for his loved ones and the chase of the Wild Hunt.

The exact release date or platforms for which the game will be available are as yet unconfirmed, but it is assumed that we will play on the PC and the new consoles from Sony and Microsoft, as the developers mentioned it will be released on all top-of-the-line consoles.

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