WP8 applications for Nokia Lumia 1020


In the shadow of the presentation of the new Nokia's smartphone Lumia 1020 with 41 MP camera, presentation of several applications made specifically for the device, as well as Windows Phone 8 system also happened.

For the near future they announced applications for known news houses like CNN and specialized application for Foursquare, Flipboard application for collecting news with ability toread them in a form of magazine. New applications are Vyclone, an application that allows you to capture the same event from different angles merging images from several  phone devices from more user who recorded the same event. Yelp is an application by the U.S. company for the evaluation of websites which allows evaluation of sites with social networking component.

Partnership with several online photo finishing services was achieved that will make use of the camera on Lumia 1020 and the new SDK from Nokia that will allow improved utilization of the camera on the device. These are Path social network and the Hipstamatic and Vine applications which are very similar to Instagram.

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