Xbox 720 Info Possibly Leaked

Xbox 720 info leaked

Information about the next-gen xbox console has been leaked, giving a pretty good representation of what we can expect from Microsoft for their next system. Somebody using the alias DaE tried to sell the console, code named “Durango”, for a large price of $10,000 on the Assemblers Game Forum last weekend, but their posting was quickly deleted and their rights to post on the forum were revoked.

The console reportedly ran an impressive array of hardware including: An eight core Intel CPU, Nvidia GPU, and 8GB of RAM. However, generally developers are given systems with higher specs than what ships to consumers so this can be expected to change.

Apparently developer consoles have been in circulation among the company since February which hints at a console that is possibly reaching the end of the development cycle. Although the console may be getting close to completion consumers should be expecting to hold onto their wallets until the 2013 holiday season.

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