Xbox One subscriptions surpassed PS4 ones


When Microsoft finally realized that they were badly wrong with the way they presented their console, they decided to change their politics overnight, and announced that it they are dropping DRM and restrictions relating to the loan and exchange of used games, it immediately reflected in the subscription.

Amazon UK has in fact confirmed that after the change in policy regarding the Xbox One, Microsoft console drastically gained in popularity, so subscriptions surpassed Sony's PlayStation 4. It's hard to say why the situation suddenly changed, so we could only speculate that users realize that both consoles actually represent PCs (more than ever), and therefore has given an edge to Xbox because Microsoft still represents a synonym for the PC.

In addition, we assume that the gaffs with the launch of Xbox One just stop those who have long wanted to sign up in advance for the new Microsoft console for the moment, but that did not make them to subscripe to Sony's console, as they have always been faithful to the team from Redmond.

Therefore, it might have been a situation in which subscriptions for PlayStation 4 all the time went along the usual course, while Microsoft "believers" have for some time been in doubt whether they should pay $100 more for a product that impose restrictions which to some point rude. As soon as Microsoft announced their withdrawal from these restrictions, they had a sign of relief and were able to subscribe to as they planned long before.

[Ed - The increase in subsciptions is by no means an indication that Microsoft is pulling ahead of Sony. Right now it looks like Sony has a slight edge in pre-orders for the PS4 despite it being released after the Xbox One. It will be interesting to see how the console war between these two companies actually plays out.]

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