Yahoo buys Tumblr for 1 billion dollars

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Although Tumblr is often derisively described as a heaven for hipsters and misunderstood teenagers, it does not change the fact that it is one of the largest blog services that exist. Tumblr now has over a hundred million blogs, hence rumors that Yahoo wants to buy it for a billion dollars does not really sound surprising.

According to the site All Things D and Adweek, Yahoo is not interested in partial combinations, but wants to take Tumblr over entirely. With this acquisition they would get hordes of young and creative customers that they are currently chronically lacking. While the average age of Yahoo users is inexorably growing, most Tumblr users fall into the age group of 18-24 years, which is exactly the kind of audience that this service with its concept and possibilities is actively trying to attract. Such customer base Yahoo could use to attract new advertisers of all types.
Since Tumblr does not have a strong earnings model, 1 billion dollars definitely acts as the amount that would be hard to refuse for their owners and investors. Remember, for the same amount Facebook bought Instagram (although later the total price of the acquisition was reduced).

Do you think Yahoo will be able to keep from messing up Tublr? Tell us in our Forum

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