Yahoo surpasses Google as most visited website


According to recently published figures from comScore, Google for the first time in five years (ie, since April 2008.) has not finished in the first place as most visited U.S. website. They were beaten by  Yahoo, which in July had 196.5 million unique visitors, while Google in the second place came with more than 192 million.


Yahoo in the past five years occasionally placed second or third, but was usually outside the top three. To the total number of Yahoo visitors were not added the ones for their recent acquisition Tumblr, which can be found on 38th place on the list, with more than 38 million unique visitors.

Let us also mention that Yahoo, otherwise, these days continued to shut down less popular services and thus extinguished Yahoo Mail for Chinese users (which was announced back in April - users are advised to upgrade to service Aliyun from the partner company Alibaba). A new boss Marissa Mayer recently reportedly engaged intensively in expanding cooperation with publishers (current target is Conde Nast) and contracts with American TV stars like Katie Couric. Is this a sign of a renaissance of once the most popular Internet service or not - remains to be seen.

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