Yahoo will search via Facebook?

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According to several rumors, Yahoo could soon expand areas of cooperation with Facebook. One consequence could be a cessation of the partnership between Microsoft and Yahoo. Will the two ladies Marissa Mayer and Sheryl Sandberg change the way we search the internet, or at least give some decent competition to Google and other search engines.

Yahoo uses Microsoft's technology to search the web - Bing returns results, while Yahoo focuses on advertising. However, there are strong rumors that Facebook is developing its own search engine, and in this regard, recently Facebook’s CEO, Mark Zuckerberg said that “We do a billion queries a day and we aren't even trying. Mostly trying to find people or brand pages or apps. There is a big opportunity in search, evolving to giving a set of answers to a specific question and Facebook is uniquely positioned to do that.” Also, Facebook will make its search engine based on the principle of giving concrete answers to questions.

Yahoo and Facebook have previously collaborated on several smaller projects, such as the possibility of sharing the Yahoo New on the social network. Facebook and Yahoo also had a small spat over patents, but were able to achieve a settlement.

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