YouTube Finally Adds Some Quick Editing Tools

youtube-logoHurrah! YouTube has finally put in editing options for their video service. If you have ever browsed through some of the amateur videos hanging out on YouTube you will know what a great thing this is. Of course The tools are not professional quality so do not expect miracles but they have included some decent ones to help user make quick fixes to the video without having to re upload the video all over again. Some of the options are rotating the video, adding fill light for dark areas, changing the contrast and saturation and also adding in some cool effects. This last option is sure to mean that we are bound to see more amateur teen videos, but now in sepia, posturized and even “cartoonish” (won’t this be fun).

All kidding aside these types of tools have been needed for a long time and it is a welcome addition to the YouTube interface; even if it does mean an upsurge or bad videos. For those that are wondering you cannot apply these edits to non-original content so that vision of a re-mastered Lady Gaga video you had in mind won’t be happening.

It was the poor quality of many of the videos that prompted this move, according to a quote from that YouTube Product Manager Jason Toff gave Cnet; "We noticed a lot of videos that had extra footage at the beginning that could have been trimmed off, or some footage at the end that could be trimmed off, a lot of videos that were really shaky and could use stabilization, and dark videos, etc." All we can say is that it is about time they threw this up and made it easy to use for even the most novice videographer.

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