CES - 2013 AMD Press Conference... An Introduction or an Apology...


AMD had their big CES-2013 press conference yesterday and while the tone was the typical joyous “we are doing great” one that you hear in any press conference from a tech company these days there was something else behind the happy faces and smiles. As we watched and listened to the different speakers we heard this subtle tone and it was an apology. AMD’s message for 2013 is that they will not only promise better performance and competing products, but they will execute and deliver on those products.

The item that AMD felt was going to be the show-stopper was their surround house. Unfortunately the concept of truly immersive audio is not anything that we have not seen before. In fact as the gaming community moves forward in technology we are finding that high-quality headsets are the item to have. AMD decided to show a room with 10 monitors and 32.4 channel surround; very impressive, but unfortunately it is too far out there for most gamers to get overly excited (and many home theater owners were not going to get excited.

After the surround house Lisa Su was up on stage and the first to begin the apologetic tone. However, things were not all bad (despite being very crowded); AMD announced three new CPUs that have been in the works as well as gave us a slight look into the 8000M series GPUs for notebooks. We will leave the details of these to the video we have of the press conference below, but we can say that IF AMD can execute and deliver on the performance promises they threw out then their next generation of APU and even CPUs might be able to compete against current Intel products (Ivy Bridge).  

Unfortunately for AMD Intel is not going to be sitting still, they have Haswell, and other products coming out very soon that could still make things a little rough. Where AMD could pull ahead though is in the thin and light/tablet market. While Intel has very impressive products in this range AMD’s APUs are quite impressive in terms of graphical performance and have enough CPU power (on paper) to keep people happy. AMD is working with their partners (Including Vizio) to build mobile devices that actually make sense. We saw quite a few that pushed past the 1366x768 resolution that many are stuck on and instead were running quite smoothly at 1920x1080 including while gaming. This is where AMD could jump ahead of Intel if they play things right.

So moving into 2013 AMD has to do three things;
Actually execute and get these promised products to market
Make sure they market the products in the right way (and get them to the press for review and use)
Find a way to fix their memory performance issues so that they can take advantage of potential power of their CPUs.

Right now AMD is saying they can do this and to be quite honest we think they can, if they can actually execute. On that note we will leave you to the video.

What do you think AMD was trying to get across? Tell us in our Fourm

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