Tesoro Kuven Pro 5.1 Gaming Headset Review - The box and goodies

Over the last year or so the PC Gaming market has seen an interesting re-birth. Although many developers seem to have embraced the new x86 console craze the peripheral manufacturers for the PC did not get the memo. One company that has leapt into the fray is Tesoro, so far they have dropped more than one high-end headset, keyboard and other accessories for the gamer to enhance their experience. Today we have another one of their products in the lab, the Kuven Pro 5.1 gaming headset. Let’s listen in and see how they sound.

The Box and Goodies -
Tesoro put the Kuven Pro into a trapezoidal box, which makes it stand out a tab from some of the others we have had in the lab as if the purple color did not already do that. The front is fairly typical in that it has a picture of the headphones and a log or two intended to entice you into buying them.

KuvenPro-2 KuvenPro-3 KuvenPro-4

Under the front flap (yes there is one) you get a glimpse at the Kuven Pro headset and the audio controller. We are not sure why Tesoro decided not to show the whole product, but they did. However, that should not distract you from the impressive specs that are on the inside of the flap.

Once you are done looking at the box and dive inside Tesoro has made sure that you have everything that you need.

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