We take a listen to the House Of Marley's Redemption Song On-Ear Headphones - The Box and Goodies

introWebster defines the word sound as; “mechanical radiant energy that is transmitted by longitudinal pressure waves in a material medium (as air) and in the objective of causing hearing.” In other words, sound is waves of different pressure intended to impact our ears. This is exactly what the House of Marley set out to do when they began their work on a line of headphones. Inspired by the works of the Great Bob Marley and the Reggae sound these products seek to encompass the not only the sound, but the feel of the music you listen to. In addition to audio quality the House of Marley also claims to have very eco-friendly products. They accomplish this by using recycled material and parts they call sustainable. So let’s take a look at the House of Marley Redemption Song On-Ear Headphones and see if they can really convey not only the sound or the music we listen to, but the feeling and emotion.

The Box and Goodies -
The box the Redemption Song headphones arrived in was indeed made of recycled cardboard. This did not stop it from looking good though. In fact the faded look that House of Marley (HOM from now on) gave it actually added appeal to it. You get a picture of the headphones right on the front with a information on them in several languages. You will also note that at the bottom of the box are the logos for Apple’s three main products (iPad, iPhone, iPad) meaning that these are designed for use with them including controls for volume right on the cable.
Spinning the box around to the right we find a window showing off the actual headphones. You can see that the claims on both the website and the box are already being proven. The materials here are not synthetic, but actual wood, leather and cloth we are already impressed at this point (but then again when we first saw these at CES two years ago we were impressed).

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The back goes into more detail on the product here and also talks about the inspiration for the entire line; Bob Marley himself. We also get some specifications on the Redemption Song headphones (although not much really).

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In addition to the environmental friendly design of the products the company House of Marley also supports the 1Love organization (1love.org) a charitable organization whose goal is to strive for hope, unity, and sustainable responsible living. 1Love assists other organizations with the same goals and was founded by the Marley family in honor of Bob Marley.
Inside the box we found our new set of Redemption Song headphones safely encased in a shell of recycled cardboard. Once this was opened we got our first look at these rather impressive headphones and the items that the House of Marley included. For your $199.99 you get the Headphones, a braided removable cable and a canvas carrying bag.

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Although usually not a fan of bags and cases the one that arrived with the Redemption Song Headphones was very nice looking and high-quality.  Ok, HOM, you have impressed us so far and we have not even taken a look at the actual headphones… fortunately that is next.


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