Asus HS-1000W wireless headset impresses us in the lab

09-stuffHave you noticed that the selection for good quality audio components for the PC is dwindling? I mean the number of companies that make add-in sound cards, good quality analog (and digital) speaker sets and yes even head phones (for those of us that have to maintain a low volume presence). There was a time when the choices in audio gear was large enough that you had to do quite a bit of research to get something that fit right. Now, well the pickings are slim. However, just because they are limited does not mean there are not any good ones out there. As we recently found with the Cine5 from Asus some companies are getting back into the audio game. We had the chance to talk to Asus about their recent improvements in quality audio products (both on their boards and their own line of audio gear). Asus said they recognize that gamers, enthusiasts and HTPC owners are looking for better audio from their components; as such Asus is moving to provide these parts at all levels to meet this need. One of the products they have released is a set of plug and play wireless headphones; the Travelite HS-1000W. These headphones operate from a single USB audio dongle that acts as both audio processing device and charging connection. They are lightweight and while not exactly “stylish” still look pretty good. Now it is time for us to see if they work well or not.

The Box and Goodies -
The box that the HS-1000W ships in was less exciting that I have come to expect from Asus. It is very understated and clean box. At least it is on the surface, in keeping with the fact that this is still a computer component there is a flap that, once lifted, exposes you to the more common marketing images found.

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According to the inside flap the major benefit of owning the HS-1000W is ease of use. Easy installation, ease portability, easy charging, easily adapt into your listening style (gaming, movies, etc.).

Inside the box we find the HS-1000W already packed into their carrying case as well as a very simple manual. Asus has included the HS-1000W headset, the wireless audio dongle and a mini-USB to mini-USB cable that connects the two during charging. Pretty much everything you need to get started right away.

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