CMStorm Ceres 300 Gaming Headset Review - Performance

Audio on gaming computers is one of the things that gets overlooked when people are building their systems. While they are busy making sure they have a powerful CPU, GPU and enough RAM they seem to forget that audio is an important part of the gaming experience. With good audio the gaming experience becomes more immersive. Of course even if you do get a good audio card you still need something that can reproduce the audio properly or that is just a waste of money. Headphones, Speakers, etc. all need to be able to do their job or you lose a part of the overall gaming experience. With that in mind we are taking a look at set of gaming headphones from Cooler Master’s CMStorm line, the Ceres 300. Let’s see if this set of headphones can bring out the best in your gaming audio.

Performance -
With audio gear it is hard to be objective. After all different people like different music and even people that like the same music might like to listen to it in different ways. To make sure that I cover the audio products that we get here at DecryptedTech I like to have more than one opinion. Usually I gather 5 other people to listen to different audio types (gaming, movies, MP3 and CD-Audio). I then ask for a rating of one to five with one being the worst and 5 being the best for each category. As an added item I also ask for a single word to describe the audio quality. I then follow up with my personal feelings and observations. The Ceres 300 headphones are intended to be a gaming headset so while we wanted to make sure we cover the gaming end of things we also wanted to find out how well they operate with other audio content.

Music (MP3 and CD-Audio) -
For Music I have a few favorite tracks that I like to use. These are not always other people’s favorites but they serve as a baseline and have some impressive audio features to them that can distinguish between good audio and bad. One of them is Stevie Ray Vaughn’s rendition of Jimi Hendrix’s Little Wing. It is an amazing track. Others are A Day in the Life by the Beetles, Are you Experienced by Jimi Hendrix, and Cage the Elephant’s Ain’t no Rest for the Wicked. To this listing we added some jazz, funk, and of course Reggae. The numbers for this along with their corresponding one word comments are below.
musicOur take -
Music over the Ceres 300 was not a bad experience, but something was just not right. Although the sound was pretty good it seemed like the bass was coming from a long way away, it was present but quiet. There was also an issue with outside noises interfering with the sounds we were listening to. While wearing the Ceres 300 I was able to hear just about everything going on around me. Even the sound of the keyboard my laptop was audible.

Gaming -
So for this test we did something a little different. In addition to our normal testing with desktop games, we decided that we would also throw in a couple of games on our Galaxy Note III just to see how good the audio reproduction is there. Our normal games are Medal of Honor, BioShock Infinite and Modern Warfare 3. These games have different audio qualities that can push a headset nicely.
gamingOur take -
The gaming experience was much like what we saw listening to music. The sound coming from the games we normally use seemed muted in many ways. Although there was good range and separation the feel of the audio was not what we expected. Instead of feeling like we were surrounded by the audio (not surround sound, just enveloped) it felt very directional. This is most likely due to the poor fit we experienced with the headset. We still found that outside noises were quite audible when wearing the Ceres 300.

Movies/Video -
Movies was an easy one also, I have several Blu-ray titles that are great for this including Pirates of the Caribbean. So I loaded up this title and then dropped in a couple of other movies that have good surround effects.  The numbers and words are shown below.  
movies-videoOur Take -
Once again the lack of a secure fit on our head ended up giving us a less than stellar experience with the Ceres 300. The audio was good, but the fit allowed external noises to lessen the experience. This did not happen with all of our test subjects so it really depends on the way the headphones fit on your head as to what experience you will have.

Comfort -
The Ceres 300 was one of the first uncomfortable headsets that I have used. It just did not seem to fit on my head properly. Additionally after about an hour my ears became warm which made me want to take them off. This is unusual as they are very light and should not be that uncomfortable to wear. Additionally we found that two of our test subjects found they extremely uncomfortable when wearing their glasses. The way the headset pressed in on the upper side of the head caused the arms on the glasses to bite in painfully.

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