The CM Storm Xornet Breaks into the Lab - The Box and Goodies

Xornet03In today’s market a company cannot maintain a single vertical portfolio and survive. We have seen this more times that we can count. You just cannot do it. If all you make is motherboards, you are eventually going to get left behind. If all you make is power supplies… well you get the point I am making. So it is not surprising to see companies begin to branch out and manufacture different products. Sometimes these products do not even seem to be related, but if they are good they can increase sales and also bring in new customers for the core business. Cooler Master did this not that long ago. The branched off their PC Enclosure business and created a new “gamers” line of cases dubbed CM Storm. Almost right after this line launched they began making peripherals for gamers as well. These products have included Mice, Head Sets, and Keyboards. So far we have spent some quality time with three of their mice and the Sirus headset. Today we are looking at another gaming mouse called the Xornet. This product shares a similar style with their Spawn mouse but not the same level of hardware. Let’s take a look and see if the new Xornet is a worthy addition to the CM Storm line.


The Box and Goodies -
The Xornet’s box is about what you would expect from a mouse. The front has a picture of the Xornet apparently smashing through glass. Right below this graphic are the words 2000 DPI high precision optical sensor. The front of the box has a nice flap that allows you to take a closer look at the Xornet.  It also has a diagram that is intended to show off the major features of the Xornet.  We will talk about those a little later.

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The back of the box has a little bit more information to offer some of it quite nice. The Xorent only has a DPI of 2000, but it does pick up in terms of the polling rate and also the bus width for its USB connection. Sadly for left-handed gamers this mouse is designed for the right hand only, but at least it is ergonomic.
Once you get over the outer shell of the box you will find that what you get (other than the Xornet) is pretty light. The Xornet is laid out on a red piece of cardboard. Under that is nothing more than a quick start guide. No drivers CD, nothing. Just to be sure we did not miss anything we checked online at Cooler Master’s site and there was nothing there either. This means that this is not a programmable device so its performance had better be top notch.

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