Thermaltake G41 Commander Case Review - Test Build

Thermaltake  Technology has always had a full lineup of cases, from elegant to subdued to downright loud.  I’ve had the chance to get my hands on several of their cases over the years in all different sizes and shapes, and I’m glad to say that I’ve received a sample of one of their newest mid-tower cases, the Commander G41.

Test build

To test the ease of use on this case, I built a system with the following components:

MSI 890FXA-GD70 ATX motherboard
8GB (2x4) Corsair Dominator memory
Sapphire HD4870 video card with Thermalright T-Rad2 cooler
Asus DVD recorder
Western Digital 3.5” hard drive
EVGA 500-watt ATX power supply
Raijintek Ereboss CPU cooler

Overall the installation was fairly painless.  While I did have some trouble connecting the power to my video card, removal of that center drive bay would have made that simple.  The huge Ereboss air cooler fit the case without a problem, and the cavernous space between the motherboard tray and the right side panel made tucking away the unused cables a breeze.  The huge side panel will likely encourage even the most slovenly PC builder to tidy up their system a little bit.

G41 Commander-40 G41 Commander-41

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