Asus P8Z77-V Motherboard Performance Review - Value and Conclusion

board05So now that we have covered all of the features and design choices for the P8Z77-V we are about to dive into the performance of this board. So far if what we have seen on paper adds up we should see some very good performance. After all Asus has been working on tuning their Z77 boards for a while and with the new trace layout we are seeing we might actually get to see some of that pop-up in every day performance. So without waiting too long let’s just get to it.

Value -
Value is another very subjective topic. What is expensive to some might be a deal to others. You can look at this topic in multiple ways. One is raw price and the other is what you get for the money. Each is accurate and both are correct ways to look at price/value. We tend to look at features, performance and real-property when we discuss value. However, we also take into account the raw cash cost of the item. At $145 from most online stores the P8Z77-V is a solid value for someone looking for a full sized ATX board with a few extra features under the hood. The price is actually a little less than many other products in the same category and only adds value with features like the Wi-Fi GO!, Network iControl, Intel LAN and more.  

Conclusion -
As we have moved through the lineup of Asus’ Z77 motherboards we are finding that they are truly living up to what they stated to us at CES two years ago (and yes we have said this before). Asus is going to begin to push the enthusiast class design, components and features into their channel line. The difference is going to be that they are not going to dump everything into each board. While there is nothing wrong with using high-end components in their mainstream line, you would not want to drop in features and accessories that are going to push the price too high or that will be wasted on the end-user. It is this mindset that Asus is putting into action with their Z77 boards. The P8Z77-V is one of this line and it falls nicely into place above boards like the P8Z77-M Pro, but under the –V Deluxe and the Maximus V Gene. The performance is also in line with the market space and the price you are paying. We do expect to see Asus fix the stock memory performance issue that we noted here as well as to dial in on a few other items. Over all you really are getting a solid board for a good price including good gaming (with an add-in GPU), solid multi-purpose use, excellent image manipulation and even transcoding. When you add in some of the features like Wi-Fi GO! is really ties things up nicely.
For its mix of performance, value and features the Asus P8Z77-V earns our Silver Key award.

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