10 years in prison for hacking celebrities’ computers


Christopher Chaney, a 36-year old office clerk from Florida, pleaded guilty to hacking into e-mail accounts and interception in nine cases, although he was actually sued in over 50 e-mail account hacking cases. Among his victims were well-known actresses Scarlett Johansson, Mila Kunis and singer Christina Aguilera. He has to pay a total of $ 66,179 to the victims of his work.

He did this to gain access to private information, but also to meet his needs for nudity and to share what he would find with the world. Scarlet Johansson accused him of leaking her topless photos to the public which she had photographed for her ex-husband Ryan Reynolds. During the trial Chaney said "I don't know what else to say except I'm sorry. This will never happen again."

The prosecutors have sought a prison sentence of 71 months, which is almost six years, and charges that are loaded on his back could keep him behind bars for 60 years. The thing is he said that after he started hacking he literally became addicted “I was almost relieved months ago when they came in and took my computer ... because I didn't know how to stop”. The question is whether it is all worth it for a pair of naked breasts.

[Ed – Although this guy needs to seek some serous help, we have to wonder if the punishment here fits the crime. If the systems hacked did not include celebrities would they have asked for and gotten a 10 year sentence? We suspect that they would not and it makes us wonder why their personal information is more important than everyone else’s. For the rest of us our privacy is up for grabs and apparently for sale without any recourse for us…]

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