Google Maps for iOS – 10 million in 48 hours


Shortly after the Apple replaced Google Maps with own solution with the launch of iOS6, it was quite obvious that if Google were to release a Google maps application it would be a hit on the platform. Immediately after the launch of Google maps it has become the most popular application in the App Store and the matter is now confirmed with the official results on the number of downloads.

According to information coming from Google, in less than 48 hours of application availability on the App Store more than 10 million copies were downloaded by Apple users. This free app was rated by over 20,000 people, with an average rating of four and a half. The application is available for free download from the App Store, and continues to be one of the most popular applications in this store.

Google Maps for iOS has arrived in the best possible time - just after the dust settled around the Apple maps. The latest scandal involved tourists in Australia that got lost because of Apple maps and almost got killed by wild animals. In addition to being seen by many as a far better solution than Apple's, it offers customers the ability to view and navigate in the Street View which is certainly a very useful thing to have.

[Ed – For quite a few years now Apple has tried to maintain that their iPhone is a unique creation that sprang fully realized from their minds and hands. Now as we see Apple try very hard to pull away from the companies that made the phone a success we are left with very little doubt that most of what Apple did was marketing. When Apple pulled Google Maps and tried to replace it with their own product it was a failure and a joke (with more than one meme about it). As Apple continues to pull away we expect to see more of these things pop up while more and more consumers are turning to other manufacturers for their phones.]

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