100.000 apps on Windows Store


Number of applications available for Windows 8 has exceeded 100,000, they proudly annouced from Microsoft. To achieve this it took them a little bit more than seven months since the launch of the new Windows.

This achievement is something Microsoft can be satisfied about. In comparison, Windows Phone for the first 100,000 applications waited for 18 months, the situation was similar with Google Play Store, while Apple's App Store reached 100,000 applications for the iPad in 14 months of existence. Recently, the big players have announced their application for the Windows Store, including Facebook, Foursquare and Flipboard.

However, Microsoft still has a lot of work to do. Primarily the need to convince computer manufacturers to offer more devices with Windows RT that rely exclusively on the Windows Store apps. Also, it is necessary to attract users of classical computers to use Metro apps, which is already being done in Windows 8.1.

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