1.1 billion New Year’s Eve pictures on Facebook


With more than 240 billion photos that have been published on the largest social network, Facebook is still the undisputed king of images on the Internet. Because of this it is not surprising that during the period between (12-31-2012) to the end of 01-01-2013 saw 1.1 billion photographs posted by users. This means that during these two days, the daily average of published images totaled 550 billion. This is a sign that users demolished last year's record when, during that period, Facebook announced 844 million photos of cheerful people.

Although it can’t be compared with Facebook, Instagram has also grown significantly and has reached a milestone of 40 million images per day that are published on their site, which amounts in 2 photos per day per user. Facebook does not have to be afraid of competition "from their own backyard", because during every day we have 300 million new pictures on biggest social network.

[Ed – It is also important to remember that Facebook owns Instagram so there is no real competition between the two companies. Instead we expect that at some point Instagram will be absorbed into Facebook and become another service that Facebook offers. At least that is what will happen if Facebook cannot get their own Instagram-like photo service off the ground. If that happens it is very possible that Instagram will simply disappear.]

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