145,000 apps for Windows Phone


According to many, one of the biggest downsides of the Windows Phonea is a lack of applications, but at Microsoft they are working on fixing this problem. They recently announced that the platform now has over 145,000 titles available.

However, growth in the number of applications for Windows Phone Store slowed down compared to the previous period. In the first half of the 2012, number of applications has doubled, and in October last year there was 120,000 applications available. In the period from November 2011 to October 2012, we had 7,300 new application appeared on monthly basis, and now the number of new applications fell to only 2,800 per month.
This year, however, Microsoft has provided several important applications for Windows Phone, primarily they are Hulu, Pandora and YouTube, and is preparing a new version of Facebook, which is currently available for public beta testing.

[Ed - While the application ecosystem is a big isue with Windows phone there are a few other items that are pushing the consumer away from the platform. One is hardware support and avialability which has put most Windows phones behind the leading edge of Android and even Apple. These concerns are outside the UI issues that many people have with the devices and which has kept Windows phone in the single digit market share for a few years now...]

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