No Metro version of iTunes


Apple has no intention, at least not in the near future, to release a version of iTunes for the Modern UI  (Metro interface) of Windows 8. The information was confirmed in a CNN interview with Tami Reller, Microsoft CFO of Windows department, noting that the most popular applications from the iTunes store will be available for Windows 8 by the end of this year.

All of the above applies, of course, to Metro editions of applications intended for touch screens, while the standard desktop version of iTunes runs normally on Windows 8. Apple's delay in issuing the Metro version of iTunes for owners of Windows 8 Pro and Windows 8 RT tablets, is not such a surprise. While in the PC segment Macs do not have a large share, among tablets the situation is a bit different. The existence of Metro versions of iTunes and access to Apple's large base of movies, series, music and other content, would make Windows tablets (such as Microsoft surface) more desirable to end customers, thereby increasing competition with the iPad.

Microsoft points out the availability of more than 60,000 applications in the Windows store, of which users have downloaded 250 million copies, while the number of applications should be significantly expanded by the end of this year.

[Ed - Should Microsoft start listening to developers how continue to shy away from ModernUI? Many think they ahould and perhaps are with Windows 8.1 , but it could be too late by the time they are ready to accept reality.]

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