3D printers to be used in airplane construction

British company Rolls-Royce is considering the use of 3D printer to print the lighter components in their jet aircraft engines.

According Henner Wapenhans, head of strategy in the area of technology, the use of 3D printing technology will enable faster production and reduced weight of the individual components of jet engines. The aviation industry is waiting for some parts up to 18 months after the order due to the complicated process of development, but 3D printing allows a significant reduction of delivery times of certain parts.

Wapenhans nevertheless admits it will take several years before the use of 3D printers in Rolls-Royce, and that so far, the idea is only taken into consideration.

[Ed - Although the concpet is a fairly sound one, the problem will always be materials... right now there are not many printers that would be able to handle the stress, heat or anything else that an engine would be put under. Still in time we would not be surprised to see it happen.]

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