Has Apple really bought PrimeSense?

Israeli website, Calcalist, has published information that Apple will buy Israeli company PrimeSense, known for its motion-sensing technology... for the second time (this information was published for the first time in July).

This technology is implemented in the first version of the Kinect controller for the Microsoft Xbox 360. In the meantime, Microsoft has developed its own department for the development and manufacture of equipment for detecting movement and bought the company Canesta, PrimeSense's competitor in the field of motion detection. According to Calcalist, value of Apple's purchase was estimated at $345 million. The news of the purchase should have allegedly been released at the beginning of the month, but it was postponed due to some legal issues that PrimeSense has with his unnamed business partners.

However, PrimeSense released a statement in which they denied their sale and noted that they are concentrated on the expansion and development of their own businesses. Apple so far has not given comment on this issue.

[Ed - it is very possible that this is nothing more than a marketing tactic by a competitor to try and make people nervous about buying the new Xbox One. Marketing is not so much about the product, or even the truth so much as what can you get away with before you are caught and get in trouble... pretty sad really..]

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