5 million Note II units sold, Apple wants it banned


Good news just can’t stop coming from Samsung. The Korean giant once again reported on successful sales of the Galaxy Note II. Although this smartphone started selling in October, Samsung cited at the beginning of this month that 3 million units have sold. Now they have taken a step further and achieved another milestone.

The latest official information says that about 5 million devices have sold which is an additional two million in less than a month. These strong results, (for a somewhat non-standard device) after only two months on the market, shows that a lot of customers are looking for opportunities in the smartphone's slightly larger package, with larger diagonal screen and powerful hardware. The second generation of Samsung's phablet has a 5.5-inch screen resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels with support for a stylus. Other featuers are processor Exynos 4412 quad-core running at 1.6 GHz clock speed and a 2GB of RAM. The 8MP camera is capable of recording Full HD video at 30FPS, and the device has the latest Android software, Jelly Bean.

In the meantime Apple has decided to try to ruin the party, so they asked the court to add the Note 2, among other devices, to the case they are running against Samsung. They said “Apple has acted quickly and diligently to determine that these newly released products do infringe many of the same claims already asserted by Apple, and in the same way that the already-accused devices infringe”. A Samsung spokesman didn’t want to comment on this case, but they will certainly have a lot to say to the court. Apple shows that they will try to do anything they can to push Samsung back as much as they can. Maybe if they focus on developing their own devices more than on lawsuits they could make something happen, but for now they focus on the existing cases on the court.

[Ed – Although Apple has added the Note 2 and a few more Samsung phones it is also interesting to note that the iPhone 5 has also been added to Samsung’s list of infringing Apple products. We also have to consider that at least one of Apple’s patents (The rubber band patent) is on the verge of being invalidated. We said it before, Apple has become just like RAMBUS and they will go the same way if they do not make some changes quickly.]

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