8 cores in Samsung smartphones


Samsung has officially unveiled the Exynos 5 Octa, the first processor for mobile devices with eight physical cores. The processor is based on last year's ARM big.LITTLE design that uses 4 weaker and more fuel-efficient cores for less demanding tasks and four cores that become active when the mobile device needs maximum performance.

The four frugal cores use the ARM Cortex-A7 architecture and Exynos 5 Octa should be running at about 1.2 GHz, while the high-performance cores use the ARM Cortex-A15 architecture. These cores should tick at around 1.8 GHz. However, the company has not officially announced accurate clocks. Samsung has not revealed all the details of the SoC's, but it looks like they will use the new generation of Mali graphics core and support for some new technologies like ultra-high definition video output. Samsung will produce the chip in their Texas FAB using a 28-nanometer HKMG manufacturing process.

Although Samsung has not revealed specific details about the performance and availability of the SoC solution it’s most likely that Exynos 5 Octa will power the top-models of the company's smartphones and tablets this year and is expected to compete with other top tier representatives like the newly announced announced Snapdragon 600 and 800, and Nvidia’s Tegra 4 not to mention Intel’s Haswell.

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