A building made with 3D printer


Dutch architect Janjaap Ruijssenaars announced that he intends to make a two floor building entirely from parts "printed" with a 3D printer. Ruijssenaars intends to make a "Landscape House", which has a two-story set in the shape of the number 8, which he describes as a unique surface twisted in a unlimited loop, where the floor converts into the roof from the inside out.

Production of this building will be constructed through the use of a 3D printer called D-Shape, developed by Enrico Dini. He will use a stereolithography process of printing with sand and connective mass in order to make structures that are solid like concrete. The printer will fold thousands of layers of sand into pieces sized6 by 9 feet. These pieces will be used to complete the construction of the building.

part1 part2

This should be the first building built completely from parts made by a 3D printer and its cost are estimated at 5-6 million U.S. dollars

[Ed – A project of this type is something that we have been expecting for some time, but this is a rather interesting twist to it. On the whole we have a feeling that while it will be built we will expect the house to not be the bright and shiny object of the future that the PDF makes out.  Still everything has to start somewhere and this is about as good a place as any.  We wish everyone involved in this project luck and hope to see it when it is finished. Plus to be honest we can't wait until we see a printer like the one in "The Fifth Element"]

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