A unique simbol for Ћ the word "the“


If the world (especially English-speaking) accept the idea of an Australian businessman Paul Mathis, we will soon have the character Ћ on our keyboard, which should be a symbol of the English word "the". The word "the" is purely "grammatical word" in the English language, which actually has no real meaning, but, as the linguists say it is used as a way to send signals regarding other words.

But regardless of the fact that there is no specific meaning, this word is very important for the English language, because it allows recognition and "branding" to one of the most common languages in the world. Guided by the fact that the word "the" in addition ranks first in the most commonly used English words, Paul Mathis has decided to make an appropriate character on the keyboard just for it.

Basically, Mathis on Google Play already offered Android app of a keyboard with symbol Ћ and he planned to put it on the Apple Store, but the team from Cupertino did not allow it. Mathis says he already uses the & symbol to indicate the word "and", which is only sixth most used word  in the English language, and believes that the time has come to bring in a sign for the most used word. One thing that Mathis is obviously not familiar with is that character Ћ already exists on the keyboard, to be precise on thos with Cyrillic alphabet, and indicates the letter Ć (ch).

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