Actress sued IMDB because of fake birth date


Actress Junie Hoang is someone you probably  never heard of but what is important is that she feels very young and therefore decided to fake her birth year on her profile. She wrote 1978 instead of 1971 and the reason behind this is quite simple, she did it because she usually plays younger characters.

Later she changed her mind about false date of birth, and did not want people to know how old she is, and requested from IMDB to remove the display of her birth date. IMDB refused, but considering that she faked her birth year, they removed the false one, investigated how truly old she is and wrote her true age.

Apparenly actress did not like this so she decided to sue IMDB for a million dollars for violations of privacy righss, and on the account of the damage done to her career, revealing her true age. IMDB argued that pointing out her year of birth falls under the First Amendment (freedom of speech, freedom of the press).

The Court dismissed the complaint because the actress has not given any evidence to indicate that the detection of the true birth date made her career suffer. She has the right to complain on this decision, but maybe it would not be a wise thing to do.

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