Alpha version of the Rust attracts over 750,000 gamers

MMO/survival game Rust, which recently became available for play through Steam's Early Access, in its alpha version attracted impressive 750,000 players, thus confirming the status as one of the most popular games on Steam.

The news were announced by the game creator Garry Newman on the official website where he wrote that such a success was not expected. It is worth mentioning that the game's popularity is growing at an incredible speed, and this is especially true when we consider that the Early Access Rust appeared in the first half of December last year and at the beginning of the month counted "only" 150,000 players.

The creator of  Rust is better known by his earlier project, Garry's Mode which is in November last year reached sales of 3.5 million copies. By comparison, Newman pointed out that Rust has now achieved more than two-thirds of the revenue that Garry's Mod achieved in eight years of availability.

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