The New Bloom Festival in Dota 2

New seasonal upgrade for Dota 2 called New Bloom comes with a series of new content. In addition to the two new heroes called Phoenix and Terrorblade, Valve brought a new option Replay Takeover, which introuduced to Dota 2 lobby the Takeover button. If you click on it you can select one of the heroes themselves and jump into the conflict at the desired point of time.


This will allow all sorts of experimentation for both players and spectators. Finally, Dota 2 is refreshed with a new game mode called Random Ability Draft. The whole thing actually includes a random selection of one of the heroes in Dota 2, and then gives players the option of individual selection and combination of all the available skills of the remaining heroes.

The patch is based on a celebration of the Chinese New Year, so you can see many themed decorations and items drops all over the place. More details about upgrading New Bloom is available on the official Dota 2 blog.

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