Android: Texts from the Future!??


Android users have a lot to be happy about. Despite all the awesome that is Android, there are the occasional bumps in the road. One of the more hilarious of these problems is the tendency for Android phones to display incorrect timestamps on text messages under certain conditions. Sometimes, it can appear as if your friend has texted you from several hours in the future. Sometimes in the past.

Being a “Smart” phone, the Android device attempts to show the text messages in the correct order based upon timestamp. However, when the timestamps are wrong, so are the order of the text messages. This is at best a minor inconvenience, and more often than not results in frustration of having to repeatedly skim through your recent texts trying to find the right order and make sense based upon context.

This issue seems to occur largely to Android users while they are roaming. The user's phone is set to prefer the timestamp format from its native network. When roaming, the phone receives timestamps that are often in a different format, sometimes an actual second or two off, from what the phone is set to handle. It then tries to reconcile the data it doesn't understand, and ends up causing more of a problem. The good news? Third party Apps like “Handcent” can fix the problem for you!

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