No more Samsung LCD panels for Apple


Samsung’s ongoing war with Apple is continuing as Samsung has decided not to provide any more LCD panels for various Apple products. Although the reason behind this is said to be less profit due to Apple's new supply pricing strategy, if we consider what happened in the last few years with these two companies it's no wonder that they have decided to stop the partnership. Samsung should compensate this with increased orders coming from Amazon, as they are doing great with their new Kindle family of devices.

According to NPD DisplaySearch Apple was a top customer for Samsung's LCD panels business. This end of the collaboration should not have significant impact on Apple's sales as this is not the first business they cut back, Apple has started to produce their own processors [They are actually attempting to sure fab services with TSMC to compensate for the loss of Samsung], and acquire RAM and NAND chips from other manufacturers. The relationship that started to go downwards quite some time ago has come to an end with this announcement regarding LCD panels.

How will all this affect Apple is yet to be seen. Of course there are many other manufacturers of LCD panels, but they might want to try to be more careful this time when picking who will they cooperate with. Maybe they should simply stop filing all sorts of law suits against their partners. Even though this move could cause concern for Apple that's not really the case here as they were apparently preparing for this collaboration to collapse and with everything that happened between the two it was just a matter of time obviously.

[Ed – there has been a slight impact to Apple stock, but there are other items that are having a greater impact including supply issues and concerns over Apple’s ongoing legal rampage against all things Android. We are not overly surprised to see these relationships end after all that has been Apple’s pattern for a very long time.]

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