Apple and Samsung dominating US market


Apple and Samsung continue to dominate the market of "smart" mobile phones in the U.S., while Android and iOS continue to be the convincingly leading platform.

According to data collected by ComScore, at the market of "smart" mobile phones in the U.S. there are no major changes. In the three months that ended in late May leading duo, Apple and Samsung, increased their shares for a bit, while the rest marked loss. Apple is leading with a share of 39.2%, which is 0.3 percentage points more than in the previous three-month period, while Samsung has risen for 1.7 percentage points, to 23%.
The situation is similar on the market for mobile operating systems, except that here the leading position belongs to Android (52.4%) which is followed by iOS (39.2%), while all the others are far behind and are losing their particular market share. Overall, more Americans are opting for smart mobile phone models, and in the three-month period that ended in late May there was 141 million smart mobile phones, which is 59% of the total number of mobile phones in the U.S. market.
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