Intel CTO leaves his position


Justin Rattner joined Intel back in 1973. , six years later he became the company's chief engineer, and nine years later (1988) fourth Intel Fellow. Due to long years of service is not surprising that he was part of the first group of Intel engineers with the title of Fellow (the highest engineering titles in American corporations) who in 2001. acquired the status of Senior Fellow. Rattner is also characterized by its participation in the IDF's (Intel Developer Conference), where he held more major presentations than any other Intel official since 2005.

Until recently, Rattner held the position of CTO (Chief Technology Director) and Director of Research at the Intel Labs. At the latter function he also opened recently held event Research@Intel on which company  for the eleventh consecutive year presented the results of their ambitious research and the fruits of cooperation with universities around the world.

The reason for Rattner's relegation from the function of CTO and head of Intel Labs is Intel's corporate policy which stipulates that employees at the age of 65 years can no longer hold managerial positions. It is not yet known who will fill the position of Intel's veterans, but the company said that Intel Labs until the appointment of new directors will be under the direction of Intel president Renée James.

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