Apple Co-Founder Steve Jobs Passes

steve-jobs-think-different-1024x768The word is out all over the net; Steve Jobs, Apple Co-Founder and visionary has passed away after an extended bout with cancer and the complications that come with it. Jobs’ death marks the passing of an era of sorts. It was Steve Jobs that helped to bring Apple back to life when they were failing. He helped to navigate the company to an unprecedented success for such a small (at the time) technology company.

During his leadership Apple reinvented themselves and released several market changing products. It is no secret that I am no Apple fan, but I will not deny that they did pioneer the way we think of our mobile phones and have steered the direction of many other products. Jobs had a very dynamic way of talking about his products and drawing people into his vision. With this enticing ability he has been able to convert a number of people from the PC world into the Apple fold.

There was another side of Steve Jobs though. This was his outspoken public rants against, Flash, Adobe and other companies that he was at odds with. It showed that while he was controlled and charismatic he was also passionate about what he believed. This passion helped him to navigate his way through many obstacles and to drive Apple into a force to be reckoned with in one of the most volatile markets out there.

It is a sad day to see someone that was as passionate and driven as Steve Jobs pass. I might not have agreed with him or liked some of his actions, but I will not take anything away from his contribution to the technology industry.

Photo Credit Apple Tribu

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