Apple delays iTunes 11


According to an announcement from Apple, the company has delayed the release of iTunes 11. The application will now be available in late November according to the Apple’s announcement. No official announcement on the reasons for the delay has been made but their spokesman said “The new iTunes is taking longer than expected and we wanted to take a little extra time to get it right. We look forward to releasing this new version of iTunes with its dramatically simpler and cleaner interface and seamless integration with iCloud before the end of November.”

According to an earlier statement, iTunes 11 was scheduled to launch in late October. It was lso announced that iTunes 11 will feature a substantially simpler interface in accordance with iOS-TV and will offer integration with iCloud. The iCloud integration is believed to be the reason for the delay. With the simpler UI  the application is expected to offer improved performance and a way to communicate between musicians and fans.

Incidentally, this week Apple's iMessage service twice stopped working. There was also an announcement that the head of iOS development and sales manager is leaving the company. On top of all of this there are also rumors going around that this delay may be due to implementing Apple’s iTunes music streaming services they previously planned to launch in first quarter of 2013. Whatever the reason, the delay is never a good thing so Apple haters, enjoy ...

[Ed – There is a lot of speculation about what is going on at Apple. Some are seeing some of the issues as related to Tim Cook’s leadership. Cook is not the dynamic CEO that Steve Jobs was and his business mindset appears to be hurting Apple in some significant ways. Most notably is the massive number of leaks about new Apple products that have popped up since Cook took over. The mystery and mystique of Apple seems to be failing and with it their stock prices. To add insult to injury Microsoft’s Surface RT is getting positive reviews despite Cook’s insistence that it is not what the consumer wants. ]

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