Google Play reaches 700,000 apps


According to Bloomberg, Google's application store (Google Play) has grown to over 700,000 titles. Hereby, Apple has lost the advantage according to the number of applications available for the platform, and is now tied with Google. The Android giant has certainly done some work to improve their numbers, like publishing guides for developers on how to develop the games specifically for Android, or just port them to it from other platforms.

Google also announced that Google Play marked over 25 billion applications downloads. One area where the Google platform still has room for improvement is applications for tablet devices. The number of these applications is not so great, in most cases; applications for smartphones are simply stretched over a larger screen on the tablet [Apple ran into the same problem after the introduction of the iPad – Ed]. Google has launched an initiative that should result in improvements in this segment.
android apps
Apple claims that their ecosystem generates the most revenue for developers compared to all other platforms. Since the launch of the App Store in 2008, developers were paid a total of 6.5 billion dollars. If Google's plans for luring developers to develop apps for their tablets end up working they could surpass Apple in this field too, but that is yet to come. This is because their instructions for app development specifically for tablets have just been developed recently. Maybe the Nexus 10 will help them to get more developers working on apps for Android tablets.

[Ed – Although Google has 700,000 Apps many of them are also suspect (our outright Malware) or simple repeats of what others have. Apple does have some of this as well, but for right now their draconian approval process keeps most of the trash out of the yard. Google reaching this point is dimmed by this fact and they are aware of it. To truly push back at Apple’s dominance they need to clean up the Google Play store in addition to getting more compelling apps there for Android owners to tinker with. We are sure that Google will do this as now they are facing competition from both Apple and Microsoft.]

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