Apple did not break Samsung's 3G patent right

applesamsungWhen companies go into a patent war, you can expect all sorts of cheap shots to be seen. Samsung was accusing Apple of violating patents related to 3G technology, but it turned out that the allegations were unfounded.

According to a decision by the UK court, where the litigation took place, Apple did not violate Samsung's rights on three patents on data transfer over 3G mobile networks. According to a spokesman for the Korean manufacturer, they are deeply disappointed by the court decision, and after review of the judgment, it will be decided whether they will appeal.

"For decades, we have heavily invested in pioneering the development of technological innovations in the mobile industry, which have been constantly reflected in our products" said from Samsung. They sought 2.5% of the value of each sold Apple product with the ability to connect to the 3G mobile network from the court because of the alleged infringement of their patent rights.

Courts around the world have so far denied 24 Samsung's allegations of Apple's violations of patents that are essential for mobile standards. Samsung's lawyers in court were able to prove the validity of the patents in these three cases, two of which are the subject of Korean courts.

[Ed - It is very hard to prove willful infringement of a standards based patent simply becasue the use of the patent is required for that category of device. It does not mean that Apple is not doing anything unethical, it just means that under the laws that cover standards essential patents Apple is not doing anything illegal. Samsung still has options even with this loss just as they do with the suit that Apple won against them in the US. In that case the judgement and some of the rulings by Judge Koh are coming under close scutiny. We have already watched as two patents in the case have been invalidated including the rubber band patent and we are hearing that more are to come. In the end we do expect Apple to find themselves on the losing end of more than a few court battles and not just from Samsung. Still that is what you get when you stop inventing and try to beat the competition through the court room...]

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