Nokia owes money to Microsoft?

nokiamicroNokia and Microsoft made an agreement back in 2011 under which Microsoft will pay the Finnish manufacturer for support of their platform, while Nokia will pay Microsoft a license to use Windows Phone. During the term of the agreement, Microsoft's payments slightly surpassed what Nokia has paid, but a good part of the "bonus" Finnish manufacturer already used.

Microsoft paid Nokia $250 million quarterly just because Nokia uses Windows Phone. However, according to a report from the Finnish manufacturer, from now until the end of the contract with Microsoft they are expected to pay for licenses in the amount of one half a billion euros more than they will get in return for supporting the platform.

During 2012 Nokia has got more than they have paid, and the same is expected this year. Although it would be next year, things should turn to Microsoft's financial benefit, ultimately Nokia should still get more money from Microsoft than the software giant will get in the return for the license.

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