Apple patents for curved batteries


Apple once again filled some applications for patent rights, this time they have two application that describes a curved batteries that can be easily integrated in portable electronic devices.

Patent application entitled "Curved battery cells for portable electronic devices" describes the curved battery whose shape can be changed during production to better suit the form of portable devices. This should be achieved by heating a set of curved plate and pressing the battery cells. The ultimate goal is to create a battery that better uses available space in small mobile devices.

Another patent application related to the curved battery titled "Non-rectangular batteries for portable electronic devices,"  describes batteries that have a rectangular shape. These batteries should be made in a way that it would be possible to remove material from one or more layers of the battery. By removing several layers manufacturers can make batteries with curved corners or simply thinner battery. Again, the goal is to make batteries that can better fit into a confined space within portable devices.

[Ed - Apple has a knack for filing for patents on the heals of others there have been non-standard sized and shaped batteries for years. Duracell, Engergizer and mor have had them for cameras. Why Apple thinks they can corner this one is beyond me. We hope that the USPTO does not let this one slide though as it would jus start a new round of lawsuits...]

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