BlackBerry Q10 sold out


BlackBerry recorded excellent sales results for the device Q10, which recently became available in the markets of Canada and Great Britain. According to data from Jefferies analyst Peter Misek, Q10 in these countries was mostly sold out or hard to find, despite the slightly higher initial price compared to other high-end smartphones and the relatively limited target audience, the business people.

Misek obtained the information about he availability from telecom operators and other distributors who had offered Q10, but he does not specify a number of devices sold, or the total amount of inventory that were included in the distribution. BlackBerry recently, together with Samsung, got a security clearance for the use of BlackBerry 10 devices in the U.S. Department of Defense by the Pentagon, and the same should become valid for the Apple iOS 6 smartphones this month.

According to the company's information, in Canada more and more companies are showing interest for the purchase of the BlackBerry 10 devices. All of the above resulted in a slight increase in value BlackBerry shares by 2.2 percent on a U.S. stock exchange (at $16.04 per share) and by 2.8 percent on the Canadian stock exchange to 16.21 Canadian dollars per share.

[Ed - Is this a good sign for Blackberry or is this simply a ploy? We know that some companies will release limited numbers of a product in order to make it appear that their product is in high demand. Most recently some tablet and laptop manufacturers tried to do that with Windows 8 and RT devcies during the holidays. We hope that this is not the case as we have a feeling it would hurt Blackberry more than it would help.]

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