Apple to swap Gorilla with sapphire

If you believe the writing of International Business Times, Apple is investing in new materials for use in new editions of their devices. They are doing this by using patents and technology that came with the acquisition of GT Advanced Technologies.

The acquisition is worth $578 million and should ensure the development of sapphire glass that for mass production. According to some research, sapphire glass is 2.5 times stronger than Corning Gorilla Glass.

Judging by Apple's previous acquisitions, fruits of the latter one should soon be visible in the finished product. The device most likely to have the sapphire glass could be new version of iPhone. The current model of the iPhone 5S already uses sapphire glass in the camera lens, and the touch sensor ID.

[Ed- this is an interesting move by Apple if it is true. The change from the industry standard Gorilla Glass to another type of glass even if it is stronger is not a light undertaking. It will also be interesting to see if this rumor will tie into the many rumors about Apple's next gen phones and their curved/wrap-around screens.]

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