EU users experiencing issues with PSN

More new users of the PlayStation 4 reported on Friday problems when connecting to PSN on their new consoles , identical to those with whom new owners of consoles met in the US two weeks ago.

Sony has officially confirmed the existence of the problem and promised to investigate the causes (because of the swarm of new users they don't have sufficiently clear cause), and deal with them as soon as possible. To prepare for the increased number of connections to Sony PSN service on Thursday they prevented access to some of the less important PSN features, such as the screen with information about the content that players want to buy or screen with a list of news on the PSN.

The move apparently was not enough, and problems with the PSN this Friday were experienced by users of the PlayStation 3 and Vita too, though the problems on these platforms lasted were shortly. PS4 was released in the United States on 15th November, and in part of Europe it appeared on Friday, however there is still a decent part of Europe that will have to wait a bit longer for the console to arrive to their country.

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