WhatsApp turns out to be the most popular messaging app in mobile

According to the latest study conducted on nearly 4,000 mobile phone users from large markets such as the US, China and Brazil, WhatsApp has come out as a winner in the category of mobile applications for instant messaging. It is located on the first place in the preferences of the users, of which 44% said they used it at least once a week. Facebook Messenger is regularly used by 35% of surveyed users.

Looking at the general habits of mobile communication, daily applications for messaging uses 86% of users, and it has become the most used form of communication. 75% of respondents regularly use SMS, 73% use phone calls, and e-mails regularly uses 60% of mobile phone users. For applications like WhatsApp over half of the users said that they used more than 10 times a day.

According to data from November 2013th, WhatsApp has more than 190 million active users and they exchange 400 million photos and 10 billion text messages on a daily basis.

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