Apple won’t allow Lightning to be used without their permission


A Project on Kickstarter called POP, which stands for Portable Power, has collected $140,000 from individual investors. This is almost three times more than the required capital to begin production. POP is a universal charger for portable devices which can be used to charge both old iOS devices and devices with microUSB connector.

The device comes in two versions - as a station that is permanently connected to the power supply and as a portable version with a battery of 26 Ah. This latter device would have been, with a price of $150, the most affordable portable charger if one looks at the ratio of price and battery capacity.

However, all of this will not happen thanks to Apple and their usual desire for control. If the charger itself has a Lightning connector Apple will not let the same charger work with other connectors, even if it is their older 30-pin connector. So basically Apple won’t let anyone use their lightning connector without their special permission.

This whole idea of a universal charger which won’t be able to charge new i-devices, is falling into the water; or maybe not. The project initiator has announced that he will return the money to investors, but some investors appear to be satisfied and want to make sure that the project sees the light of day even without a Lightning connector so it is possible that the project will come to life in this release. It's really sad that Apple has to interfere with great ideas like this just because they care more about their own profits than about their customers.

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