Google to bring the most advanced smartphone yet


According to the Wall Street Journal, Google is preparing the ground for the launch of a new high-end Android smartphone, which will seek to topple Apple and its iPhone. The new phone will be created by Motorola and in the current phase it carries the code name X phone and is expected to be launched sometime in 2013.

Google and Motorola will apparently build this phone with many of the characteristics that have so far remained unseen in hardware and software of existing smart phones. However, currently there are no further details about what that will be specifically. Google's main intent is to get this handset to stand out among others, which means it should have some unique capabilities. Current rumors going around are that it will have a bendable screen and software solutions that have not yet appeared on the Android platform.

In any case, this does not surprise us at all (if true of course), since Google bought Motorola last year, everyone has been waiting for something like this, a superphone from Google that could challenge Apple and perhaps even more Android competitors like Samsung, Sony and HTC. Given that Google has fired 4000 Motorola employees and agreed to sell off the TV set-top box department, it could be said that the restructuring after the acquisition is complete and now nothing stands in the way of putting them in concrete production.

[Ed – Apple already has serious competition from Samsung and it looks like it will gain even more directly from Google. Right now the Samsung Galaxy S III is still listed as the bestselling Smartphone in the world and their Note II is also doing much better than many expected. In the meantime Apple’s sales are staying consistent instead of growing as they would like. There have also been recent hits to Apple’s share prices that we do not think Apple will ever truly recover from. This means that having another serious competitor out in the market will impact Apple even more. Maybe this will inspire Apple to go back to the table and actually invent something new instead of simply trying to push other people’s designs and technology through the US Patent Office and then suing everyone. Of course, we also wonder if this new Google phone will be AMR based or if they will parter with Intel for another x86 based phone. The latter would certainly give them capabilities that we usually do not see in Smartphones...]

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